General Disclaimer

Information contained on this web site is intended to be accurate, however it may contain typographical errors, technical inaccuracies or other errors and may be changed at any time without notice. Progress Mfg. Inc. has a policy of continuously striving to improve products and reserves the right to make improvements or changes to products, prices, designs, and specifications without notice. All weights and dimensions given on the web site are approximations. The user is responsible for reading and understanding product instructions and accompanying literature. The user is responsible for properly operating Progress Mfg. Inc. products in a safe and legal manner, and to ensure that the capacities are not exceeded. Progress Mfg. Inc. does not endorse or sanction the content or actions of web sites that are linked to or from the Progress Mfg. Inc. web sites that are not maintained, controlled, or created by Progress Mfg. Inc.

Copyrights and Trademarks

‘Equal-i-zer’, ‘The Original Equal-i-zer Sway Control Hitch’, ‘4-point Sway Control’, and ‘1st in Sway Control’ are trademarks of Progress Mfg. Inc. The text, pictures, logos, and all other content of this web site are property of Progress Mfg. Inc. You may not link to or use the content on this web site without written permission from Progress Mfg. Inc. Graphics featured on the web site may not be used without written permission from a marketing administrator of the Progress Mfg. Inc. marketing department. Any text used directly from the Progress Mfg. Inc. web site may not be altered in any way. All product-specific, corporate and industry information has been written to meet required legal guidelines, and modifications may compromise these guidelines.

Performance Disclaimer

It is the driver’s responsibility to make the necessary adjustments to their driving habits, trailer, tow vehicle, and towing equipment to avoid trailer sway. Trailer sway has many causes, including but not limited to: improper trailer loading, tire pressure, driving techniques, speed, passing vehicles, weather conditions, road conditions, and others. There is no 100% qualitative measurement of trailer sway. Users must exercise caution at all times while towing a trailer.

Terms of Use

Users of this site may not copy or transmit information from the web site. It is prohibited to use any automatic or manual process to harvest information from the site. Written permission must be obtained for users to copy, publish, or transmit information from the web site.